Day 20, Thursday – The Glorious Mysteries (In Petition)

The Third Glorious Mystery – The Gift of the Holy Spirit. When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place. Suddenly there was a noise from the sky that sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house. (Acts 2:1-2).The disciples were gathered together in prayer and the Blessed Mother was in their midst. All of a sudden the Holy Spirit came in the form of fire upon all those gathered in prayer. People from different countries and backgrounds were all united by the power of the Holy Spirit.Inner Strength. Lord Jesus, You were able to transform Peter. The one who denied you could now stand tall. Send forth Your Holy Spirit upon the Church so that we, too, may be restored and renewed. Let Your Spirit fill our hearts with praise and adoration. Make us bold in proclaiming the trust of our faith in You.
 — with Scurtu Dochita.
POSTED ON BEHALF OF :   54 Day Rosary Novena